Individual Technique. Tango Technique for Followers and Leaders

After teaching for many years ladies technique, Carolina started to realize that technique is only one. Everybody needs to learn technique. So this is a collection for tango dancers who were looking for a way to know themselves better. In a technique lesson, when you’re alone with your body and trying to reach balance after every step, being conscious of the way you move every part of your body, you realize what you can really give when stepping into the connection with your dance partner.


Recommended study time for this collection is 7 weeks.

The Technique of Giro

Practicing is not real life, it’s not real dancing. But we need it, as this is how we get ready and can truly enjoy, when finally the real thing happens. And don’t forget that every exercise will be modified during the dance accordingly. Oh, and there will be some more accessories for the giros. Enjoy!

12.50 min Giro

The Technique of Front Boleo

Yes, boleo can be an ornament. But in this lesson you’ll find out how the body works in a front boleo, so you can follow it when it’s a lead element. And to make your boleo, but also your tango learning process, as beautiful as possible there’s a series of exercises and life tips that Carolina has for you.

9.03 min Boleo

The Technique of Back Boleo

All about back circular Boleos: technique, exercises, options of doing it, how the lead of a Boleo feels and little secrets. Carolina will teach you how to practice it in a way that will prepare you for the moment when you’ll perform it in the dance. Plus some tips on how to connect with your partner and to check up on your balance.

10.40 min Boleo

Get Technical about your Ornaments 1

Ladies, It’s true that ornaments are spiced up by creativity, but the most traditional ones have a science behind them, too. And this is a lesson dedicated to Enrosques. It will reveal what’s the correlation between your body anatomy and an Enrosque; how to transform a normal Pivot into an Enrosque; how to create it from three different parts of your body and how to perform Enrosques in front and in back Ochos.

13.35 min Enrosque Decorations

Carolina Bonaventura’s Tango Dictionary. Part 2

The second part of Carolina’s dictionary tackles concepts like the meaning of the hips in tango, vertical and horizontal dissociation, lapiz, enrosque, boleo, the frame. It’s a captivating lesson and you won’t see this kind of approach to teaching very often. Teachers, incorporate these learnings in your tango teaching and your students will see tango from a different, more complete perspective. And, oh, how grateful they will be to you for this!

11.08 min Embrace Lapiz Technique Boleo Enrosque

Body Preparation Exercises

In this class, you’ll learn how to warm up, train and relax your feet. It’s a ritual every tango dancer needs like air and water. The more flexible your feet, the better contact with the floor you will have and we can’t say enough how important it is to be grounded when dancing tango. Then some exercises that will help you understand and feel, yes feel, the role of the free and the standing leg in tango.

9.10 min Embrace Elements